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Little Hoolie’s Sports Bar

One of the best local bars in Dade County, Little Hoolie’s offers great food at reasonable prices and excellent service and a “whole lotta love” rock and roll bands on weekends! Tons of flat screen TV’s and yes, you can smoke.  Its sports area has red pool tables, sports memorabilia, plasma screens, and an internet jukebox.  A wooden bar divides the dining area (where coconut shrimp, Hoolie’s buffalo wings and cowboy steaks are served) from the party zone, with a stage featuring oldies and rock & roll bands that play covers, and there’s open mic on select nights. Its staff, always in good spirits, offers good ol’ Irish hospitality.

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The Crude Brood

The Crude Brood

The Crude Brood About The Crude Brood – Hard Rock band from South Florida. Biography “In a FEMA CAMP / they’ll bury your bones / better get ready / ATTACK of the DRONES!” Those are some of the haunting lyrics to The Crude Brood’s “Attack of the Drones.” The Crude Brood is a hard-rock band […]

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Tobacco Road

Tobacco Road

Established in 1912 and considered the oldest bar in Miami, Tobacco Road is simply one of the most fascinating watering holes you will find in all of Florida.  Still chugging along almost a century later, this charmingly  grungy piece of living history still trots out some of the coolest, loudest bands seven days a week.  The Road now also […]

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2013 South Dade Food and Rock Festival

2013 South Dade Food and Rock Festival

The 2013 South Dade Food and Rock Festival features some of the finest local Classic Rock bands in South Florida, The Regs, 3 Feet Closer and Colbert.   In addition, gourmet food is served up by the local restaurants and specialty food vendors, such as Joe”s Seafood stone crabs and Big Pig sweet BBQ.  Cash bar, with […]

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